ESO reveals new UK Future System Operator

The UK Future System Operator has come one step closer to reality with a new name and identity, ESO has announced. 

National Energy System Operator (NESO) will be a new, independent, public corporation that will be responsible for planning Britain’s electricity and gas networks and operating the electricity system

It will be responsible for coordinating across the whole energy system, including renewables, and considering the connections between energy vectors and their relationship with the wider system.

ESO said that NESO will be launched this summer. In the meantime, ESO will retain its name.

Fintan Slye, Executive Director, ESO said: “We’re delighted and excited to reach a key next step in our journey and to introduce the identity of this new organisation National Energy System Operator which will be at the heart of the whole energy system.

“We are continuing to deliver on our core role of energy security, affordability, and sustainability as ESO today, and to transform elements of the business to ensure we are ready to take on new accountabilities as the National Energy System Operator later this year.”

Graham Stuart, Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, said: “Creating a new public energy body will ensure consumers can access a secure, affordable and decarbonised energy supply for the long-term.

“Established in the landmark Energy Act 2023, the National Energy System Operator marks a new approach to managing the UK’s energy system.”

Akshay Kaul, director general for infrastructure at Ofgem, said: “We’re pleased to see the Future System Operator come one step closer to reality with this new name and identity, which underlines the instrumental role it will play as an independent, expert organisation tasked with guiding Britain’s transition to net zero.

“This new National Energy System Operator will drive forward net zero across both the electricity and gas systems, operating a ‘whole system’ approach.

“It will hold responsibilities in operations, strategic network planning, long-term forecasting and market strategy, and will deliver these roles while maintaining energy security and minimising costs for consumers.”

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The Team

Steve Huxter - Building and Tenant Manager

Steve has recently been appointed as Building and Tenant Manager have joined OrbisEnergy as a Property Support Administrator in July 2019.

Ian Pease

Ian Pease, Business Development Manager joined in February 2020. His role is to drive forward OrbisEnergy as an innovation and technology cluster for the region’s clean energy sector by working closely with new and existing tenants.

Ashleigh Farrow - Property Support Administrator

Ashleigh is our newly appointed property support administrator who joined us in July 2024. Ashleigh is keen to learn and get acquainted with all the practices of the company.

Lauren Knowles - Property Support Administrator

Lauren has recently joined the OrbisEnergy team. Lauren is excited and looking forward to the challenges her new post will bring.

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