The Team

Steve Huxter - Building and Tenant Manager

Steve is the Building and Tenant Manager. He brings over 30 years experience of Central Government service across various departments, including The Department for Works and Pensions, The Ministry Of Defence and most recently with HM Revenue and Customs.


Ian Pease

Ian Pease, Business Development Manager joined in February 2020. His role is to drive forward OrbisEnergy as an innovation and technology cluster for the region’s clean energy sector by working closely with new and existing tenants.

He also plays a key role in developing the region’s energy related inward investment offer to encourage business growth that supports local opportunities and employment.

Ian brings with him over 20 years’ energy sector experience, during which time he has worked in the public and private sectors in economic development, skills and competence, marketing, project management and business development in the marine, oil & gas and offshore wind sectors.

Ashleigh Farrow - Property Support Administrator

Ashleigh is our newly appointed property support administrator who joined us in July 2024. Ashleigh is keen to learn and get acquainted with all the practices of the company. A keen wild water swimmer, Ashleigh will shortly be attempting to swim to Holland.

Lauren Knowles - Property Support Administrator

Lauren has recently joined the OrbisEnergy team in September 2023 and quickly established herself as a key team member. Lauren is excited and looking forward to the challenges her new post will bring. A keen Cosplay enthusiast Lauren can be found most weekends enjoying her fantasy life as Mystique. Lauren has a passion for Irish dance and folk music, and can be on occasion be persuaded to break into song, with Whiskey in the Jar being a particular favourite.



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